Thorpe Park 2!.....

by The Squirrell 5. August 2010 09:08

After we all reviewed (with laughter!) the "On ride"

pictures we found, Luke remarked....


"On every ride, and EVERY picture we looked at, you

just don't get scared do you?!...."


I guess once you face your mortality, G force and speed, don't

seem to matter?! But I had a GREAT day, and hope you have a giggle

at the size of Emilys SCREAM!!



Thorpe Park....

by The Squirrell 4. August 2010 06:50

Jane and I took the kids (& Janes "BIG kid" brother & Tom)

to Thorpe Park!

I had planned on just enjoying the rides vicariously, as

everyone else rode them, but in "Typical Matt" style threw

caution to the wind and just went for it, and had a go to!!


Thank you to QEH, and my expert surgeon, who it appears

CAN sew very well ! I was thrown about all day, and loved it!


(And not bits fell out, OR leaked!!)    


The walking was hard going as I am still a little unfit, and my

poor legs took some stick! However, I undertook a lovely day

trip that would have been IMPOSSIBLE in 2008/Pre-Transplant!


"Go Man Go.......! "






Growing momentum!......

by The Squirrell 29. July 2010 06:06

Well my petition is growing in momentum!

PLEASE tell everyone you know, and ask them to sign it!

(I need 500 signatures to be taken seriously!)

I have had some nice & very supportive letters back....

Some heavy weights have joined my cause! Please be one to!




The Good, The Bad, and......ME!

by The Squirrell 22. July 2010 10:16

We all had a day out with the racer today....

"The Good".....(The Legend) Emily

"The Bad"....... James Gould

"The Ugly"....... ME!.....

We went to Llandow, and met up with the ever friendly John,

and his new companion "Alfie" who's 11 weeks old and very nibbley!

(They are a nice crew at Llandow and John always makes us welcome.)

The Jedi ran well, after we'd sorted last times misfires/problems, and

despite my agonising back, I managed a few laps, and reminded myself

how much fun it was!

Emily was on hand to warm up the car, check tyres, steering, and be

(An excellent) pit girl ! She declined a go, as reaching controls was an

issue for safety, so modifications required for her! She was a great help

and got the hang of the technical requirements quickly.(Me thinks her

curiousity and "gung ho" attitude will lead to a go soon?!)

James had a good blast, and renewed his enthusiam for Single Seaters?

(He also had a considerable laugh at my expense, and I crouched to help

him with harnesses, my aged overalls decided it was time my goolies had

an airing so retracted thier coverage! RRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPP!!)      :-O

Dad, and Andy Blackman also came along, but took the view that a chat in

the sun while the boys played, was much more relaxing!!

Top day had by all!!








"Typical Matt"....

by The Squirrell 17. July 2010 10:17

(1st see the below entry...)


Matt's done it again!...


A "Typical Matt" moment overcame me!....

(Well I do love the colour Blue!)


I arrived on the drive, Jane opened the door, grinned,

slapped her forehead (better than slapping me!) and

then said:


"You'd better cover that up, it's going to rain!...."


WHAT A GIRL!!......  :-)

(Yes, Sharon/QEH I WILL be careful!!)





by The Squirrell 16. July 2010 13:06

As you all know Matt (AKA "The Squirrell") is a

curious and inquisitive creature!

I have a strange fascination with vehicles that are

reputed to be awful to own and expensive to run ?!!


TVR=Unreliable, badly built?

Morgan=Archaic wood chassis,

outdated styling, bad road holding?

Harley Davidson= Lumpy and lethargic engines,

outdated suspension, awful brakes, poor handling?


Yet these seemingly dreadful things have "CULT" status?

In "Typical Matt" fashion....I got curious!

(My thanks to my foreheadslapping, and

unendingly patient Jane! Who had this thrust

upon her tonight....) x




by The Squirrell 8. July 2010 11:26

Donna just rang from QEH......

Rejection Biopsy was "Clear"!.......



This means I don't have to go back for a while, a slight

alteration to my drug regime, but nothing to worry about!

I have still got a sore neck, and been VERY tired today, after

a long day yesterday, back and forth to Birmingham, and

also anesthetic etc, so been pooped out and resting!

(One very pooped Squirrell !)




by The Squirrell 8. July 2010 07:18

Just got back from QEH.....

(I've been a bit lapse in my updating when I have been up

for checks, but you can sumise that no news is often

good news?!)


I had the full MOT today! Bloods, ECG,

operation/Biopsy, Echo, X-Ray and chat

with Doctor etc. Feeling a bit "OUCH" as my neck

etc is sore from the Biopsy....   :-(

Full results in later tonight, or tomorow?

(As I think new building/labs may still be finding thier feet?)


Watch this space!

(Below, NEW QEH buildings - Isn't it HUGE!)



Sliderfest !..............

by The Squirrell 4. July 2010 07:41

I was one of the fortunate, and honoured few who were

invited to Georges "Sliderfest"!  (George is in the 2nd picture!)

The legend that is George Pople, last year organised "Ciderfest"

for his birthday. So to try to top it, this year we had "Sliderfest"!

George shares my philosphy that you have one life, it's short,

so enjoy your friends, and laughter. He also derives pleasure in doing things

purely for the hell of it, because it CAN be done if you put your mind to

it!  ( A kindred and inspirational spirit!)

The logistics of his "Enterprise" required input and favours from good

freinds, and HARD work, but he pulled it off!...The somewhat ropey task of

transporting liquid to his site, on a trailer was risky but worked! Then began

his plan..... (Executed to perfection, Iam sure you'll agree!)

I think the photo's say it all !!

Thank you mate for a great day, and enjoyable evening!!

Photos kindly pinched from Matthew Wickes, & George Pople with thanks!!







by The Squirrell 25. June 2010 07:37

I took myself off to Dyrham House with my friend and

walking companion Lewis!

Dyrham holds alot of History for my family, as my great Grandfather

was thier furniture maker and my great Granny was in service there to

and thats how they met, and I ended up here!!

The house is fabulous and the gardens and grounds are immaculately

kept and maintained. We had a good walk down (& up!) the winding and meandering

drive to the house, and mooch around the grounds! (All good excerise to keep

steriod fat at bay!!)

I bought a kids kitem and tried to fly it, but as I opened the packet, the breeze died!

The kite had a big ASS on it, which, ironically is how I felt with a kite on a still day!!

Great afternoon out, and a cheeky ice cream........sssshhhhhhh!!  ;-)



About Matt.

My name's Matt. I was born with a congenital heart defect which hampered me in my youth, and sadly became a terminal conditon recently, and beyond the (amazing) care of the BRI-Bristol Heart team.

In 2008, my condition deteriorated, to a point I was happy to see Xmas 2008. I had prepared to die.

Then in January 2009, a late night phone call from QEH-Hospital Birmingham changed my world, when they offered me a heart transplant, if I could get there pronto!!

6 months on, after a rocky start, I am still alive, thanks to them!

Read on to see how my new life is taking shape, and my adventures to date!....



Month List