Samuel 8 months today!!....

by The Squirrell 8. July 2012 08:39

To those who have asked me how the little man is

coming on, he's 8 MONTHS old today!  (Time flies!!)


He is loved by all...He has just had cuddles with his GREAT

(In every sense) Grandmother!!


He wakes up smiling, and that seems to carry on all

day (full tummy and empty nappy prevailing!!)


Thanks to my wonderful donor, I get to watch this little

life grow, learn, laugh, cry, smile, and be loved by everyone he

encounters.... Thanks to everyone who has got me this far

and continues to support us all in this next phase of life....

Here's a synopsis of recent events in pictures!


Dads treat....

by The Squirrell 7. July 2012 12:33

What to get the man who has everything he needs, or wants

for his birthday?!


In "Typical Matt" style, I had a bright idea, that

(Oddly enough) Jane and Mum agreed was a valid one, so....

(I am not used to them agreeing that my "Ideas" are sensible!)


I chartered a Helicopter for him, to have a fly about in and see

some of the country side he drives through, from a different perspective!


I would have loved you to have seen Samuel...Mum was holding him when the

Helicopter (Approx 30 feet from us) powered up and took off....I WAS almost blown away, and poor Samuel lost his hat and "Nanny" had to take

a few steps back to catch her balance! (He was unphased if a little surprised!!)


Dad LOVED it, so maybe he can go again when my bank manager has

recovered from his stroke?!   ;-)



QEH today....

by The Squirrell 2. July 2012 22:30

Had my check up at QEH today...


ALWAYS an axious time for me! 


I drove myself up for my (yawns) 8.00am appointment and various

tests etc.


GREAT news was that all was looking okay and no dramtic changes from my last visit! Now not got to go back for 6 months!!  

HOORAH!!   :-)


40 Today!.......

by The Squirrell 15. June 2012 19:06

Today hailed ANOTHER milestone for QEH and 

my new heart!! (Well recycled!)


I got to SEE and ENJOY my 40th Birthday!


Jane got some food in, I invited close family and old

friends and we had a relaxed (If soaked to the skin!)

mini celebration!!


What a lucky boy!!


WOW....18 !!

by The Squirrell 11. June 2012 19:06

June seems to be the month of milestones for me!


QEH have allowed me the extra time on earth to see

our darling Emily turn 18 !!


We had a lovely day, just chilling out and doing what she

wanted (ie; stay in and receive fuss from everyone!)


We had a lovely meal out to celebrate with her (Before she

hit the tiles and had her 1st LEGAL pub crawl!!) We went to a lovely

place and all enjoyed an excuse to dress up, but what about poor

little Samuel?...

How do you dress a baby for dinner?........


SORTED!!     ;-)



(He handled his jelly cocktail with due finess!)





Morgans Youngest?...

by The Squirrell 24. May 2012 16:29

Catch them young, train them hard!!..


A new test driver is progressing nicely!



Ticking along....

by The Squirrell 23. May 2012 23:49

During a day of humid heat, and beautiful

sunshine, I spent the day with Samuel, chatting

(well gurgling) in the garden...


It was joy to be able to lift him without fainting, laugh without

getting breathless, stand up without dizzyness....


Sadly Samuel will never have seen any of my battles to get to the

point of being his "Dad"....He just keeps growing an enjoying

cuddles with "Dad"....


If only my Donors family could see the happiness he bought to me....






6 months today!!

by The Squirrell 8. May 2012 23:25

Little bugger is already six months old!!  (Today!)


Time flies!!


I know I am biased, but he is a lovely natured, smily little

fellow! (and so cute!)


Hard day!....

by The Squirrell 26. April 2012 11:02

Its exhausting being a Baby!


I do feel for him, GO GO GO.....And NO time to nap!



(Oh wait....!)



Charity Film Night....

by The Squirrell 31. March 2012 13:17

A plan was hatched! "Typical Matt" style!!....


I try to raise £ when possible for the QEH trust and my friend

Henry also supports the Macmillan Cancer charity.


Recently we had a "Charity Motoring Film Night"!!


Henry kindly loaned me his car showroom for the evening which made

an ideal venue and sat around 60-70 people! We got all the cars

(& Dog!) out, mopped up any oil, and began the hard work!


My friend Andy Warren was kind enough to loan me 2 motoring films he had

made about the "History of Motorsport in Bristol", and one of an event

we ran last year at Dyrham House, "Spirit of the 60s" a classic car event.


We got an LCD projector and mounted it in under a beam, and fixed a screen

to the end wall. Found an PA system/speakers and plugged in all in!!


I hired a LOAD of chairs, and got a local brewery to sell me a barrell

of thier beer at a discount ("All for charity mate!")


We put up 2 gazebos (For the "Bar" and "BBQ") and then after a days

or twos work transformed a car dealer into a ("Heath Robinson"!!)



We all worked hard, but the hard worked paid off, and we cleared £££

for our chosen charities!




About Matt.

My name's Matt. I was born with a congenital heart defect which hampered me in my youth, and sadly became a terminal conditon recently, and beyond the (amazing) care of the BRI-Bristol Heart team.

In 2008, my condition deteriorated, to a point I was happy to see Xmas 2008. I had prepared to die.

Then in January 2009, a late night phone call from QEH-Hospital Birmingham changed my world, when they offered me a heart transplant, if I could get there pronto!!

6 months on, after a rocky start, I am still alive, thanks to them!

Read on to see how my new life is taking shape, and my adventures to date!....



Month List